L’objection de conscience dans la post-modernité -
SOMMARIO: 1. Avant propos – 2. Le concept de l’objection de conscience – 3. L’objection de conscience dans la modernité – 4. L’objection comme témoignage.
ABSTRACT – In pluralistic societies there’s a very strong conflict between legal universalism and moral particularism. In this context, the conscientious objection tends to change its meaning: it is no longer the opposition to a specific rule, but it becomes a form of a radical opposition to the law. This paper, with an analysis of the objection, its forms and its meaning, tries to show how it should be again a chance to witness the truth. This possibility, which is essential for religious people, should be pursued regardless of any legal recognition.
The author
Professore associato di Filosofia del Diritto nella Facoltà di Giurisprudenza della Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta – Lumsa
Testo della relazione presentata a Madrid in occasione del convegno internazionale L’état et la Conscience, organizzato dall’Union Internationale des Juristes Catholiques, dal 9 al 10 settembre 2009. Gli atti sono in corso di pubblicazione