A chiare lettere: editorials, confrontations, transitions

EDITORIALI: This section includes brief editorials on topics of current interest- texts by the Editor-in-Chief, by members of the Management Committee or by researchers asked to do so - characterised by candid presentation, agile arguments, the essential nature of scientific study, and respect for pluralism. The texts reflect the authors’ opinions, are available on the opening page until publication of a new text, and will be preceded by the title: “A chiare lettere”: editoriali.

CONFRONTI: The opening page of this section on the may also feature brief texts, submitted spontaneously, understood as a discussion - even of a contentious nature - of topics that may reveal strong cultural, political, ideological differences among researchers in our disciplines based on their school of thought, faith, convictions and professed values. Debate is limited by respect for persons and opinions. Once the debate has been opened, every author is entitled to rebuttal. Any rejection of publication shall be decided by the Editor-in-Chief and the Management Committee. Texts express solely the author’s opinion and shall be preceded by the title: “A chiare lettere”: confronti.

TRANSIZIONI: This section lists and briefly presents sources of law, judgments and administrative documents that, by deviating from well-established principles, herald possible changes worthy of our attention. Texts express solely the author’s opinion and shall be preceded by the title: “A chiare lettere”: transizioni.