How to draft submissions

Sending submissions: Authors send their unpublished submissions in WORD format to in two versions, one identifiable and one anonymous for review (no header and no reference in the text to footnotes or in the metadata that might reveal the Author’s identity). 

The Author must declare that he has not already sent the submission to other Journals, in the same version or in a substantially similar version, and will not send it until the outcome of the evaluation.

Authors will produce certification, in PDF format, from the scientific committee (or similar entity) confirming the evaluation and approval of papers presented at conferences, and papers intended for the works of various authors or other journals.

Template in Word format

Languages: Submissions may be written in Italian, English, French or Spanish.

Abstract: Submissions must include an abstract of no more than 150 words, in English (with an English translation of the title) on the last page of the submission, and a brief list of key words (no more than six).

Editorial criteria: In writing the submissions (to reduce the amount of work to be done by the Editorial team), Authors should respect the following criteria:

Page layout: top margin = 4 cm; bottom margin = 3 cm; left margin = 3.5 cm; right margin = 4 cm; font: Palatino for the text and the footnotes; font size: = 12 points for the text, = 10 points for the summary and the footnotes, = 11 points for the Author’s academic qualifications, and for infratext quotes; paragraph: alignment = justified; indents, left = 0, right = 0, special first line = 1.25 for the text and = 0.5 for the notes; spacing: before = 0 pt, after = 0 pt; line spacing: single for both the text and the notes.

Title: Submission titles (bold lower case, centred, 12 points) must be limited to 120 characters, for formatting reasons.

Qualifications: Immediately after the title, in parentheses (roman, centred, 11 points) are the academic qualifications, the home university, department (or faulty), generally without indicating any other qualifications (e.g.: professional); non-academics indicate their institutional title.

SUMMARY: Then comes a SUMMARY (upper case, bold) giving the titles of the sections preceded by Arabic numbers (lower case, bold, justified, 10 points) separated by a hyphen [e.g.: SUMMARY: 1. Premise - 2. The Casati law - 3. Law no. 100 of 1890 - 4. Conclusions.].

Avoid lower outline levels (e.g.: 1.1, 1.2.a, etc.).

Publisher: If the submission is to be published, the publisher (if known) and details of the future publication (e.g. conference proceedings, studies in someone’s honour, encyclopaedia, journal, etc.): the title will be followed by an asterisk, followed by a note on the first page immediately preceding the footnotes [e.g. * The submission, subject to review, will be published in the volume edited by M. Bianchi, Le congrue, for Pelle publisher; or: in Giurisprudenza piemontese; or: in the Proceedings of the Conference on “I benefici”, organised by the Faculty of Urbe, held in Rome on 7-8 July 1920, for Pelle publisher].

Quotations within the body of the text and the use of inverted commas: Quotations within the body of the text of passages by other authors, or passages from documents, are placed between inverted commas (e.g. “il tanuccismo and il giuseppinismo...”); if the passage quoted contains a quotation, the second quotation will be between single quotes ('........') and the first between inverted commas  (e.g. “Soleva affermare - 'enfaticamente’, a dire del Cavour--che la religione…”). Otherwise, single quotes should be used sparingly to emphasise specific concepts or expressions.

Quotations longer than three lines within the body of the text (not in the notes) start on a new line, between inverted commas, preceded and followed by a single blank line (0.4 spacing), and indented 1 cm on the right and 1 cm on the left with respect to the text’s margin. They must be exact quotes of the original, even if the original does not conform to these criteria.

Dates and details of sentences (in the text and the notes) are given in full (e.g. 10 October 2010 and not 10/10/2010; judgment no. 148 of 2011, and not judgment 148/2011). Avoid unusual abbreviations (for example, and not “for e.g.”)

Notes: Notes must be placed at the foot of the page, numbered with Arabic numerals. Remember that pursuant to the Italian Copyright Protection Law (art. 70.3 law no. 633 of 1941, replacing art. 9 Legislative Decree no. 68 of 2003), summaries, quotations and reproductions of any work must always include the title of the work, the author’s names, publisher and, if a translation, the translator’s name, when such information appears in the work being reproduced.

Bibliographic information: In the quotations from other sources in the footnotes, give the author’s first initial and family name (bold upper case, not small caps), followed by the title of the work (in italics) and then publisher, place and year of publication (in plain text) in that order. If there are several authors, separate their names with commas. Italicise periodical, encyclopaedia, website and database names are in italics. For several subsequent quotations from the same work, simply give the first words in the title (plus the author’s first initial and complete family name), sufficient to avoid confusion, followed by the abbreviation: cit. (avoid abbreviations like: op. cit., ivi, idem, ibidem, passim, infra, supra, etc.). For works with several volumes, the volume is given in lower case and Roman numerals (e.g. vol. XI, t. I). Page numbers are preceded by the abbreviation "p." (page) or "pp." (pages). If the pages continue beyond that mentioned, indicate "s." (for just the first following page) or "ss." (for several following pages). For works with several editions, indicate the edition consulted in Arabic numerals (e.g. 4th ed.). Names of the editors of a work (first initial then family name, with only the initial in upper case) in plain text, preceded by (in full): “edited by”. Indicate the issue or part of a periodical in unformatted Roman numerals [e.g. M. BIANCHI, C. ROSSIIl giurisdizionalismo, Edizioni Sabaude, Turin, 1871; M. BIANCHILa legge delle Guarentigie, in Arch. dir. eccl., 1930, p. 120 ss.; M. BLANCHELa legge francese di separazione, Edizioni Sabaude, Turin, 1936, Italian translation by M. Bianchi; A.C. VERDE, article Chiesa, in Digesto enciclopedico, Edizioni Pontificie, Rome, 1845, vol. III, pp. 24-58; V. NERIManuale di ecclesiastic law, Pelle, Piombino, 1880, 4th ed., t. II, p. 99; M. BIANCHILa legge, cit., p. 22; AA. VV., Polizia ecclesiastica, edited by M. Bianchi, C. Rossi, Edizioni Sabaude, Turin, 1871; C. BIANCOIl separatismo (in, February 2000; C. ROSSIIl giurisdizionalismo, in Archivio, 1880 (XLI), II, p. 99 ss.].

Pay special attention to the alignment of the notes for website addresses (in lower case italics, as brief as possible, without inverted commas, possibly between parentheses, indicating date consulted only if necessary).

The same rules apply for quotations of essays appearing in this Journal. However please give the Journal’s title in full, followed by the website name and the number of the issue or month of publication [e.g. M. BIANCHIIl giurisdizionalismo, in Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale, electronic journal (, no. 20 of 2012; or M. BIANCHIIl giuseppinismo, in Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale, electronic journal (, June 2007].

Hypertext links, underlining or colours other than black are not permitted (in the text or the notes), nor is any graphic highlighting other than bold and italics (to be used sparingly), or uncommon abbreviations. No thanks or dedications are permitted. No page breaks or hyphenation. Avoid (for pagination reasons) unnecessary tables.

After checking compliance with the above criteria, and making any necessary minor modifications, the Editorial Committee will convert the submissions in PDF format to ensure they cannot be modified. By sending the article, the Author agrees to submit the text for any modifications the Editorial Committee considers necessary to respect the editorial criteria, syntax and spelling. If submissions appearing in foreign hard-copy or electronic journals are published, duly authorised, all this journal’s editorial criteria may not necessarily be applied, especially in regards to quotation rules.

The Editor reserves the right to refuse submissions that are primarily of an informative, political or propagandistic nature, or not complying with the editorial criteria or with criminal and press laws.

Online consultation: Online consultation of a submission may cease following distribution of the printed version only upon written request from the author; in this case, the Journal’s indices will include not only the author’s name and the title of the essay, but also details of the print publication.

REPRODUCTION: Pursuant to article 42.6 of law 633 of 1941, the author of a journal article is entitled to reproduce it elsewhere, provided details of the first publication are provided, indicating the complete name of this Journal [followed by the name of the website; e.g. already appeared in Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale, electronic journal (, no. 12 of 2012] and not just the website name. In subsequent quotations of submissions previously appearing in this Journal, the first online edition should be mentioned in addition to the print version.

EDITORIALS: In the "A chiare lettere" section (editorials, “Confronti” or “Transizioni”), texts by the Editor-in-Chief are signed with his initials, while texts by other authors will be attributed with their full given and family names.