Religioni e ateismi: una complexio oppositorum alla base del neo-separatismo europeo - by Nicola Colaianni

SOMMARIO: 1. Il dialogo dell’Unione europea con le organizzazioni confessionali e non – 2. Il separatismo statunitense – 3. Il neo-separatismo europeo – 4. La complexio oppositorum nell’elaborazione cattolica … - 5 … e in quella secolare – 6. Il separatismo pluralistico europeo (e americano).

Religions and Atheisms: a Complexio Oppositorum at hearth of the European New-Separatism

ABSTRACT: The European Union is not interested in religious phenomenon. It’s a form of separatism between State and Church. Yet the last Treaty about the Union functioning stated an “open, transparent and regular dialogue” between the Union and the Churches and the philosophical or non-confessional organizations alike. So religions and atheisms, the exact opposites, are not only recognized but also linked as complexio oppositorum. That originates a pluralistic separatism. By means of constitutional law research this paper demonstrates that this new-separatism is new for the Europe but usual for the U.S. and therefore it contributes a long way towards a rapprochement between Europe and America from the constitutional point of wiew.