Religion contributions nella sfera pubblica: uno sguardo critico alla lettura di Jeremy Waldron - by Andrea Romeo

SOMMARIO: 1. Il dibattito sul ruolo delle voci religiose nella sfera pubblica – 2. La peculiare strategia di Jeremy Waldron: theoretical authorities e practical authorities - 3.- Implicazioni metaetiche e operative dell’appello alle theoretical authorities – 4. Il problema dell’inintelligibilità delle argomentazioni religiose – 5. Dall’inintelligibile all’universalizzabile. Le ragioni di un sostanziale fraintendimento.

Religion Contributions in the public sphere : a critical reading to the position of Jeremy Waldron

ABSTRACT: The article focuses on the Jeremy Waldron’s lecture of the relationship between religion and democracy . Waldron argues that in public deliberations religious citizens can refer directly to religious arguments making reference to the "theoretical authority” of religion. The religious commandments would be worth , in the field of morality, like Paul Krugman’s theories in the field of economy; so when, in the political public square, arguments based on religious beliefs are produced it sounds equivalent to make calling, exclusively, to the "theoretical authority" of religion, not certainly to his authority practice.