Natività e laicità: i presepi in Francia tra religione e secolarizzazione -
SOMMARIO: 1. La legge del 1905 e la sua applicazione: osservazioni introduttive - 2. Edifici pubblici e presepi: l’argomento religioso - 3. Edifici pubblici e presepi: l’argomento culturale-secolarizzato - 4. Simboli religiosi e laicità: l’imporsi di un proselitismo civile?
ABSTRACT: In France, the principle of separation between State and religious denominations, established in reference to public buildings by Article 28 of Law 1905, does not prohibit the presence of a Christmas crib within a municipal building. The Nativity scene is authorized provided that, in general, this facility does not express any form of religious proselytism or recognition of a cult, but a cultural, artistic or festive event forming part of the celebrations planned for Christmas; if the building in question is the headquarters of a territorial organization or a public service, representation, in order to be authorized, must meet particular requirements, for example, in local historical traditions.
The author
Assegnista di ricerca in diritto ecclesiastico e canonico, Università di Siena - Chercheur post-doctorant, Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités, CNRS-EPHE, Paris.
Contributo sottoposto a valutazione.