Libertà sindacale nelle confessioni religiose. Spunti comparativi - by Laura Sabrina Martucci

SOMMARIO : 1. La tutela dei diritti fondamentali all’interno delle confessioni religiose: la tesi e l’ipotesi - 2. Il caso emblematico del Sindicatul Păstorul cel Bun: a) la giurisprudenza rumena - 3. ( segue ) b) la giurisprudenza della Corte EDU - 4. Autonomia e libertà sindacale: limiti e ordine d’esercizio - 5. Attività ecclesiastiche neutre o non strettamente “spirituali” - 6. Una libertà (sindacale) senza necessità negata.

Freedom of Union inside Religious Organizations. A few comparative Cues.

ABSTRACT: Inside religious Organizations clerics are forbidden to form and to join trade unions . This paper takes its cue from the case of the “Sindicatul Păstorul cel Bun”, to whom Romania refused the registration as a trade union, in order to point out that a few duties practised by priests in favour of their churches are not closely spirituals but rather neutral. Thus, with regard to them, the foregoing ban doesn’t appear as “necessary in a democratic society” under the art. 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights .