L’esclusione del bonum prolis nella recente giurisprudenza rotale - by Francesco Catozzella

SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione - 2. Il fondamento dell’esclusione del bonum prolis - 3. Lo ius ad actus coniugales - 4. La distinzione tra ius ed exercitium iuris - 5. Le tradizionali presunzioni giurisprudenziali - 6. La procreazione responsabile e alcuni casi particolari - 7. L’esclusione della prole nelle ipotesi di ricorso alla fecondazione artificiale - 8. Questioni relative alla prova - 9 Conclusione.

The exclusion of bonum prolis in the latest rotal jurisprudence

ABSTRACT: After having clarified the basis of the exclusion of bonum prolis and delineated the nature and content of the right/duty to marital acts suitable for procreation, the article explains the classic distinction between law and the exercise of the law, and on the presumptions elaborated in this matter by rotal jurisprudence. This is followed by an examination, conducted in the light of the doctrine of responsible procreation, of some peculiar cases of exclusion and use of artificial insemination; finally, the article focuses on the proofs needed. This research is based on recent unpublished rotal jurisprudence.