L’Albania apre agli accordi di collaborazione con i “nuovi culti” - by Giovanni Cimbalo

SOMMARIO: 1. Gli evangelici albanesi a favore della lingua, della cultura, dell’identità e dell’indipendenza - 2. La nuova Costituzione albanese e il ripristino della libertà religiosa - 3. Le trattative per la stipula dell’accordo di cooperazione - 4. I contenuti dell’accordo e i suoi effetti nel rapporto con la legislazione ordinaria a tutela della libertà religiosa - 5. La proiezione dell’efficacia degli accordi nell’area dell’Albania etnica – 6. Gli accordi di cooperazione: un modello esportabile?

ABSTRACT : The present article deals with the Evangelical Federation in Albania and the contribution it gave to the modernization of the Albanian language. The merit acquired by this religious community makes it be included in the development of the legal relations between the State and cults, using the instrument of cooperation agreements. The agreement, which is the first with a “new cults”, is analyzed by comparing it with the other signed with the historic communities of the country and in the context of the Balkans. The analysis will therefore move towards the sort of Kosovo and Macedonia and the rules governing the relations with the cults. Finally, we develop a reflection on the patterns of relationship between the State and confessions, analyzing the characteristics of legal formants used.