Il capitalismo non è un termine evangelico. Una breve riflessione “sturziana” rileggendo l’Enciclica Caritas in veritate di Benedetto XVI - by Luigi Barbieri

SOMMARIO: 1. Economia e religione - 2. L’etica protestante e lo spirito del capitalismo - 3. L’etica cattolica e il capitalismo - 4. Il capitalismo buono e l’umanizzazione dell’economia - 5. Il capitalismo cattivo - 6. La riflessione di Luigi Sturzo.Brevi cenni.

ABSTRACT: The Encyclical Caritas in veritate, promulgated by Pope Benedict XVI in June 29th, 2009, omits faithfull the term capitalism, also used in the social doctrine of the Church by Pope Leo XIII in Rerum Novarum untill Centesimus Annus of John Paul II. Analysing the Encyclical and because of this omission, in the teaching of Pope Ratzinger may be felt appreciation for the market economy, different from the capitalist economy. This distinction had already made and proposed in the last century by Luigi Sturzo, sociologist and Catholic thinker, enlightened and free.