I mille splendidi volti della giurisprudenza della Corte di Strasburgo: “guardarsi in faccia” è condizione minima del “vivere insieme” - by Angelo Licastro

SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione – 2. Il velo integrale davanti alla Corte di Strasburgo – 3. I profili procedurali e la sussidiarietà – 4. La ratio della legge francese sul divieto di occultamento del viso – 5. La questione del margine di apprezzamento – 6. Il limite alla libertà di manifestare la religione derivante dalla “protezione dei diritti e delle libertà altrui” – 7. La Corte di Strasburgo “dietro” il velo: la “laïcité” e il suo riverberarsi sulla tutela del diritto di libertà di religione.

ABSTRACT: The French Law no. 2010-1192 of 11 October 2010, introduced the ban on wearing clothing designed to conceal one’s face in public places. Muslim women do not have the possibility of wearing the full-face veil ( burqa / niqab ) in public. The present article explores the question concerning whether the burqa ban is compatible with the democratic society in Europe and particularly with Article 9 of the European Convention of Human Rights, which guarantees the exercise of freedom of thought, conscience and religion. To do so, the paper critically analyzes a recent decision of the Strasbourg Court, S.A.S. v. France of July, the 1 st 2014. The Court held that the barrier raised against others by a veil concealing the face can be perceived as breaching the right of others to live in a space of socialisation which makes living together easier. The Author examines the issue considering various features of secularism and their effects on the different points of view regarding religious freedom.