Flussi migratori, religione e diritto nella polis euro-mediterranea - by Fortunato Freni

SOMMARIO: 1. L’incremento dell’immigrazione in Europa nell’attuale contesto politico e religioso - 2. La “Primavera araba” e le tensioni afferenti alla libertà religiosa nei nuovi equilibri geopolitici - 3. Gli odierni fermenti culturali e giuridici nell’Islam mediterraneo - 4. La prospettiva di una laicità inclusiva euro-mediterranea avverso gli esclusivi schemi “mondialatinizzanti” - 5. Il ruolo dell’Europa nel bacino del Mediterraneo - 6. Alcuni strumenti per estendere la libertà di coscienza a tutte le tendenze culturali: a) il dialogo interreligioso - 7. Segue: b) le normative concordate - 8. Il decentramento comunitario e l’esigenza di una duttile (ma anche non discriminatoria) governance europea.

Migrations and laicity of the law in the polis euro-Mediterranean

The recent increase in migration flows to Europe and the tumultuous popular uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East (so-called Arab Spring) are creating significant problems of coexistence between different cultures and religions throughout the euro-Mediterranean area. Leveraging on new cultural and legal turmoil of the moderate part of the Islam and on the revaluation of the plural open and inclusive identity of the Old Continent, it is hoped the use of a procedural laicity at the entire polis euro-Mediterranean, for bring near both sides of the Mare Nostrum with intercultural dialogue and prevent the worsening of the clash of civilizations: the North Christian and the Muslim South. We propose, therefore, are some tips to overcome the tensions on religious freedom in the new geopolitical balance and for make collaborate with institutions, in a democratic and transparent mode, communities and religious and ethical groups in an attempt to reach a wider area of integration euro-Mediterranean, whose legal system, spreading better peace and social justice, would create more adequate conditions for the protection of inalienable human dignity.