Contenuti per la categoria: Church autonomy

Libertà religiosa, patrimonio culturale e identità: il caso del Montenegro - by Federica Botti

“Religious freedom before, during and after covid-19Between Europe and the Member States”. Introduzione alla prima sezione dello special issue - by Pietro Faraguna

State, Religion and COVID-19: can Religious Freedom be Guaranteed in Exceptional Circumstances? - by Javier Martínez-Torrón

“Religious freedom before, during and after covid-19 Between Europe and the Member States”: Introduzione alla seconda sezione dello special issue - by Pierluigi Consorti

COVID-19 restrictions on religious worship:how to ensure effectiveness while respecting religious autonomy? - by Maksymilian Hau

Religious freedom during Covid-19 in Courts’ evaluation - by Valerio D’Alò

The Legal Culture of ‘Trust’ in the Swedish State by Religious Communities seen through the lens of the Pandemic - by Giuseppina Scala

Unilateralism and Bilateralism in the Restrictions on Worship in Italy During the Pandemic - by Matteo Giannelli

La libertà di culto ai tempi della pandemia da SARS-CoV-2. Standard di tutela in Italia, Francia e Belgio - by Silvia Baldassarre

I “pericoli” della libertà religiosa al tempo della pandemia: un bilanciamento impossibile? Considerazioni comparate tra Italia e Francia - by Paolo Zicchittu