Bioetica, biodiritto e il contributo scientificamente legittimato, en juriste, dell’ecclesiasticista - by Salvatore Berlingò

SOMMARIO : 1. Il giurista e la bioetica – 2. Le antinomie della bioetica odierna e la funzione del diritto - 3. Le peculiari competenze ed esperienze dell’ecclesiasticista al confine col non-diritto - 4. Oltre gli schemi del diritto " razionale-formale " - 5. I modelli procedurali della "complementarità/distinzione" e la loro apertura al valore della dignità di ogni singola umana esistenza.

The contribution of an ecclesiastical law scholar scientifically justified, en juriste, to the elaboration of bio-law

ABSTRACT : The contribution of an ecclesiastical law scholar to the elaboration of bio-law is legitimated by his study and experiences at the border with not-law and in relations with the laws-other ( religious and cultural ) distinct from that of the polis. The pattern of complementarity/distinction , that the scholar of ecclesiastical law draws from this kind of experience, can contribute at the articulation of bio-law according to procedural-justice , which facilitate the substantial concretization of the fundamental value of the dignity of every human reality .