Passato e futuro della minoranza musulmana in Italia, tra islamofobia e pluralismo pragmatico-giuridico - di Giancarlo Anello

SOMMARIO: 1. La condizione giuridica dell’Islam italiano, note introduttive - 2. Le “ortoprassi” islamiche nell’area di sovrapposizione col diritto comune - 3. Critica della prospettiva d’intesa unitaria, vista ex partibus infidelium e ipotesi giuridica per una “concertazione diffusa d’intese”.

Past and Future of the Muslim Minority in Italy, between Islamophobia, and Legal (Pragmatist) Pluralism.

ABSTRACT: This article addresses the legal condition of the Muslim minority in Italy, considering the progressive development of the sociological situation of various Muslim communities, approaching to Italy from different Islamic countries (from Morocco to Somalia, from Tunisia to Egypt) in the last 20 years. More in detail, the paper analyzes the current limits in the application of the constitutional norms concerning the agreements of cooperation (called “intese”) and Islam, and proposes an alternative and diffuse system of local agreements more fitting with the Islamic political tradition as well as with the fundamental rights of the faithfuls, in an even more parochial and multifaceted society.