L'esercizio dell'attività sindacale dei ministri di culto nella Chiesa ortodossa romena - di Federica Botti

SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa – 2. La costituzione di organizzazioni sindacali di ministri di culto e laici appartenenti alla BOR - 3. Il riconoscimento della personalità giuridica civile al “Sindicatul Pǎstorul cel Bun”- 4. La questione davanti alla Corte EDU: la preminenza del diritto alla tutela attraverso l’azione sindacale - 5. La Corte EDU e l’esistenza di un “besoin social impérieux” - 6. La risposta della Chiesa ortodossa romena alla sentenza CEDU e l’appello alla Grand Chambre - 7. Alcune considerazioni conclusive.

The exercise of trade-union activity of ministers of religion in the Ortodox Rumenian Church

ABSTRACT: The paper analyses the decision of the EDU Court on lack of recognition of the civil corporate status to the “Sindicatul Pǎstorul cel Bun” formed by ministers of religion and laics of the BOR. This decision was appealed before the Grand Chambre of the Romenian State. In this perspective the debate around the development of the situation within the BOR in relation to what is established by the Romanian law is studied, posing the accent on ecclesiological as well as juridical aspects of the problem. Though without omitting to analyse the labor law aspect of the dispute, the A. offers elements of consideration on the connection between the decision of the EDU Court and art. 8 of the Convention on Human Rights, in relation to the protection of religious denominations autonomy and their right to auto-organization. The paper ends up with considerations on the possibility of juridical systems to impose religious denominations organizations elements of democracy, without violating the principles of autonomy, separation and secularity.