Griglie di lettura e analisi dell’islam europeo. Diritto interculturale e relazioni sciaraitiche - di Federica Sona

SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione - 2. Tassonomie di appartenenza alla Ummah - 3. Modelli di innesto dell’ islām in Europa - 4. Atteggiamenti culturalizzati, assimilati, cosmopoliti e in protesta - 5. Approcci geopoliticizzati e transnazionali - 6. Orientamenti esternalizzati, dualizzati e islamizzati - 7. Considerazioni conclusive.

Decoding European islām. Intercultural law and sharī ʿ ah -compliant relations.

ABSTRACT: Since the beginning of the XXI century, Islām became a key-topic in the national and international discourse. In the contemporary pluralist and fluid scenario, the public visibility of Euro- Islām increases also as expression of Muslim communities’ demands and pressing needs. In light of recent tragic events and the exponentially growing European Muslim community, developing appropriate tools for effective and fruitful dialogue is thus of pivotal importance. Adopting a pluralist perspective, the paper investigates the multi-folded accommodation, adaptation and mutual adjustment techniques enacted amongst different legal cultures, orders and systems. Specifically, attention is paid to the reciprocally (non) adjustments of Islamic/Muslim laws to European domestic legal systems, and the implications of the interaction between sharī ʿ ah -compliant relations and intercultural law. The proposed analysis aims to decode the various forms of sharī ʿ ah -compliant modus vivendi enacted by European Muslims by shedding light upon the peculiarities of European Islām and the polychrome taxonomies of belonging to al-Ummah Islamiyyah . Relying upon field-collected data, the transplantation models of Islām in national legal systems are disentangled, whilst the discussion reveals new prototypes of state and social co-existence, constantly developed and reinvented at the crossroads amongst states, religions and traditions.