A come aborto: la “lettera scarlatta” del XXI secolo nel Giardino degli angeli - di Silvia Baldassarre

SOMMARIO: 1. Il caso - 2. La normativa di riferimento - 3. Interruzione di gravidanza e diritto alla privacy - 4. Nel nome della madre e del figlio mai nato - 5. I cimiteri dei feti - 6. Osservazioni conclusive.

A for abortion: The Scarlet Letter in XXI century in the “Garden of angels”.

ABSTRACT: The work analyzes in a juridical key the story of the burial of an abortive product, in the "garden of the angels" (Flaminio cemetery in Rome). The burial, which took place without the mother's consent, is marked by a cross with the woman's personal data. This circumstance raises several critical profiles, examined in the article, regarding the right to privacy, the right to self-determination and freedom of conscience.